Dr. Erica Goodstone

Where There Is Love
There IS A Way

Who we are is our gift of love to this world.  We do not have to work hard to become worthy of love.  What we need is to align our mind, body and spirit so that we can stand tall in our own awareness of who we are and share our love and authentic self with others.  We cannot love in a vacuum.  We need others to support, guide, respond and mirror us to continually strengthen our love.

Rubenfeld Synergy, Polarity, and Craniosacral  Therapy


Dr. Erica Goodstone, Love Mentor and Relationship Healer, is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor, Licensed Marriage Therapist, Licensed Massage Therapist practicing body psychotherapy, Certified Sex Therapist, Certified Rubenfeld Synergist, Polarity Therapist, and Board Certified Personal/Life and Health/Wellness Coach. 

Former Professor of Health and Physical Education for over two decades at FIT/State University of New York, Dr. Erica taught about yoga, meditation, wellness, the mind-body- spirit connection, human sexuality and holistic health decades before health awareness became more mainstream.

Dr. Erica served as chair of the Educational Programming Sub-Committee for the American Massage Therapy Association and was an original Steering Committee, Research Committee Chair, Newsletter Editor and Board Member for the U.S. Association for Body Psychotherapy, Marketing Committee Chair for the International Association of Rubenfeld Synergists and created the Body Therapy Special Interest Group for the American Counseling Association. 

In her quest for self-healing and deeper understanding of life, she has studied a wide variety of body therapy, counseling, mindfulness and spiritually conscious healing methods and techniques from leading teachers and trainers, including Dr. Alexander Lowen, Dr. John Upledger, Ilana Rubenfeld and Dr. John Beaulieu.

Dr. Erica helps her clients create and reawaken their love, healing capacity, sexual passion, and intimate connection.  Feeling accepted, appreciated, and acknowledged for their own unique and special gifts, her clients are able to finally make wise love and healing choices.  For those already in a committed relationship, she helps them turn to their partners with a renewed ability to love and serve and be loved. 

Check out her Healing Through Love Seminars, her Love Me, Touch Me, Heal Me complete book, as well as her Love Touch Heal videos, audios, Kindle and Smashwords books and her love transforming 30 Day Love Challenge.  You will never look at love the same way again. 




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