Linda Marks

Reclaiming The Power Of The Heart

Emotional-Kinesthetic Psychotherapy (EKP) is a heart-centered psychospiritual approach to body psychotherapy.  Emotional safety is at the root of the method, which incorporates meditation, body awareness, grounding, touch with permission to work through emotional issues at a body level and other techniques working with the body's cardiac energy field.

Emotional-Kinesthetic Psychotherapy (EKP)


Linda Marks, MSM

is founder of The Institute for Emotional-Kinesthetic Psychotherapy in Newton, MA.  She has been practicing heart-centered body psychotherapy addressing issues of sexuality, spirituality and gender for 30 years. A pioneer in the sex-spirit field, Linda founded the Boston Area Sexuality and Spirituality Network, served on the Board of the Institute for 21st Century Relationship, authored many early articles on integrating sexuality and spirituality and the books, Living With Vision: Reclaiming the Power of the Heart (Knowledge Systems, Inc, 1989) and  Healing the War Between the Genders: The Power of the Soul-Centered Relationship (HeartPower Press, 2004).

Linda is also a singer-songwriter and cabaret performer who performs in the Boston area.  Since voice is a core pathway to who we are, Linda enjoys helping people find the power of their voice.  She has released three albums:  Dreams and Themes (1983), Heart To Heart (2015) and Coming Full Circle (2016).

Linda wrote a song, "Love Is the Answer" for UpStage Lung Cancer, a non-profit that uses the performing arts to raise awareness of, and support early detection and prevention of , lung cancer.

Linda was a co-founder of the Massachusetts Association for Body Psychotherapy in 1988 and was part of the founding team for USABP in 1996.  She currently serves on the Board of UpStage Lung Cancer and the Boston Association of Cabaret Artists.


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Books And CD's

Listen to Linda's Dreams and Themes at