Steven Hoskinson
Freedom For Living
An Authentic , Vibrant Life
In The Here-and-Now
An Authentic , Vibrant Life
In The Here-and-Now
Organic Intelligence® (OI) is a unique theory and clinical practice of human empowerment, resiliency, and compassion to resolve the devastating effects of stress, trauma, and PTSD. From a systems perspective, the Organic Intelligence clinical protocol suggests that what’s wrong with therapy is the focus on what’s wrong — including the focus on trauma. OI teaches how healing happens from the nervous system up and makes it possible to imagine freedom from suffering. Freedom from suffering becomes freedom for living.
Organic Intelligence and Somatic Experiencing
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Check Out Steven's Training
OI Expert Certificate
OI Expert is a continuing education certificate program, consisting of seven online video courses, for a total duration of 120 hours.* Upon completion of the OI Expert Level Training Program you will receive an OI Expert Certificate and the OI Expert title and badge to use on your website, business cards, and in documentation. To receive a certificate all requirements must be met.
OI Expert Course
OI Heart Training
HEARTraining® is the premium, leading edge professional training designed to enhance the skills of mental health professionals in working with c-PTSD, trauma, stress, and syndromes.
HEARTraining is the premium, leading edge mindfulness, compassion, and resiliency training for anyone seeking personal development and professional excellence.